Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Day Lost

Ok so here it is 6pm and I have only been up for 1 hour. I don't know about anyone else but this working nights and getting broken sleep thing is killing me. After over 3 years of working nights and 12 or more hours a shift I wonder..... what it would be like on the world's schedule, what would it be like to work Monday thru Friday and have nights and weekends to enjoy with my daughter??? Last night i really didn't do much thanks to my coworker on orientation, but to keep busy i developed a resume and was able to email it to a few places. I really need a day job.. any ideas?? i can not take my little one begging me not to go to sleep any more, not to mention the thought of all the things i could have accomplished today but did not because i could not keep my eyes open more than 5 minutes....

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Hey, I completely feel your pain!! I too am tired of working nights after the three years. At least the weekend track thing is sort of working out for me. I still aspire to some day have a "normal" job!! Good luck on the pending job opportunities!